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Collection of personal information

We collect the following information through the "Inquiry" function.

  • name

  • Email address

Purpose of use

The collected personal information will be used only for the following purposes.

  • To respond to inquiries and provide information

Protection of personal information

Our company will implement appropriate security measures to prevent the risk of loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of collected personal information.

Provision to third parties

Our company will not provide personal information to third parties without the customer's consent, except in the following cases.

  • When required by law, etc.

  • When it is deemed necessary to protect customer safety


For inquiries regarding our privacy policy or the handling of personal information, please contact the designated contact information.

Notice of changes

The contents of the privacy policy are subject to change without notice due to improvements or changes in laws and regulations.

If there are any changes, we will notify you by posting them on our website.

privacy policy

We recognize the importance of appropriately managing information collected through the "Contact Us" feature provided on our website. This privacy policy explains our policies regarding the collection, use, and protection of personal information.

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